Purchase Property

Buying a property is often a smart investment for your future. When you're prepared to acquire your first home or expand your property portfolio, it's crucial to have your finances organized and understand your affordability. This preparation is key to being ready to place an offer when the right opportunity arises.

Purchase Property

The Benefits of Financing a Purchase with Mantra Mortgages?

Buying a property is typically one of the largest financial transactions you will make during your lifetime. This is why it is so important to work with an experienced, knowledgeable mortgage professional when you are ready to buy. Knowing everything about the process such as how much down payment you will need, what are your closing costs, and how much you can afford are all critical parts of the decision making process.

Real-estate concept
Pride of Ownership

Pride of ownership is probably the number one reason that people enjoy owning their own homes. It means you can paint the walls any colour you desire, turn your music up, attach permanent fixtures, and decorate your home according to your taste.

Low-Risk Investment

Homes can lose value, but it doesn’t happen often. According to many sources, buying a home is one of the safest investments you can make. As real estate prices continue to average great returns year over year, not only is it a safer investment, it is also very profitable as well.

Housing Stability

Let’s face it, moving sucks. Having a home of your own allows you to stay in one place as long as you want. By getting a Purchase Property solution you will not have to worry about dealing with the immense stress and costs associated with constantly finding a new place to live and moving.

Real-estate concept
Future Equity Growth

Getting into the real estate market allows you to take advantage of the future value growth of your home. For example, if you own a $500,000 home and the value of your home goes up 10% over the year, you have just earned $50,000. If you stay in your home for 10, 15, or 20 years, that can be a significant amount of equity that you earn.

Rental Income

Perhaps the biggest benefit to owning rental property is that it’s a passive income source. This means that it is recurring income that requires relatively little effort to maintain. It can be an attractive option for people looking to make some money on the side, or even as additional financial security during retiremen

Stop Paying Rent

No one wants to pay someone else’s mortgage. Not only that, but the rent you pay you will never get back. Even if your payments are slightly higher than renting, knowing that the payments you are making each month are contributing towards your own better financial future, rather than that of your landlord.

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Frequently Ask Questions

Mortgage brokers are licensed financial professionals that have the resources to find the lowest rates and the appropriate payment plans for their clients. Working with a broker will save you time and ensure you get the best possible deal

A mortgage broker acts as the middleman between you and the extensive paperwork involved on your behalf for a set fee. They are often able to foresee problems that could arise during the application process and tailor your application based on what each lender needs.

The role of a mortgage broker is to act as a connection between the borrower and the lender to secure a loan on behalf of the individual or their business. Their responsibilities include negotiating rates, dealing with the paperwork, and facilitating an agreed-upon loan and payment plan

One of the most significant benefits of working with a broker is their extensive network, as they have the tools and resources to identify and obtain the loan that will fit your needs.

A mortgage broker compiles a homeowner’s financial documents, accesses their credit history, and confirms current and past employment to present an application to multiple lenders. They help negotiate the terms and conditions of your payment plan and, once the loan is agreed, will work with the lender to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction.

Mortgage broker fees in Ontario vary based on your unique situation and the solution you are seeking. Contact us today for a more personalized estimate of what you can expect your fees to be.

Owning a home is an investment that deserves detailed attention and care. When unexpected expenses occur, or you need to consolidate your debts, it’s essential to find the right broker to step in and offer a solution tailored to your financial needs. We operate with a vast network of lenders, including subprime mortgage lenders across the province, and we’ll work diligently to find the right match for our clients.

At Burke Financial, our mission is to give homeowners across Ontario the best possible borrowing experience through a high level of service and expertise.

When you work with us, you’re working with an award-winning team that specializes in getting even the toughest of applications approved. We’re putting money in your pocket faster, so you can invest in your future.

we know that each homeowner’s experience is unique. We offer a personalized approach and help connect our clients with subprime lending options across Ontario. From day one, we treat each interaction with our clients as a chance to change their borrowing experience to a positive one.

We take the time to understand what our clients are looking to accomplish with their applications. We personalize short-term and long-term solutions to help our clients achieve long-term financial health.

We look at our client’s main priorities to make sure we shape the optimal payment amounts, term length, prepayment privileges, interest rates, and much more. We know how important it is to align our clients with reasonable rates and terms and educate them on areas like an exit strategy to make sure they are always on the right path.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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